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Stack Research

Stack bundle

1. Pick an application or a piece of software.

You can choose any application, but preferably choose something that you are at least somewhat familiar with or have used. The application can also be something that you have been developing at work or as a hobby project.

Below are some examples of possible applications. You can also choose freely from outside the list.

2. Introduce the selected application shortly.

Answer at least to the following questions.

  • What is the application or software used for?
  • What should the application or software do?
  • What are the main use cases?
  • How many users it is expected to have?
  • What are the requirements in term of performance?
  • Are there requirements or constraints that should be taken into account?
  • What is / are the target platforms for the selected software (PC, mobile, web, etc)?

3. Describe and research technology stack to be used


This is the main objective of this assignment.

Imagine yourself being the CTO (Chief technology officer) or Project lead for developing / re-designing the whole software from ground up. You job is to research for the best possible technologies to use.

  • What kind of framework(s) to use?
  • What are the reasons for the selections.
  • What sort of tools and software are required during the development.
  • What kind of libraries are needed?
  • What are the reasons for choosing of the specific libraries.
  • What sort of alternatives / backups there are available if the selected libraries are later found not suitable for the project.
  • What sort of external services are required? Databases, Release platforms (like Google Store), Service providers (like AWS, Azure, or similar), other SaaS or PaaS platforms etc.?


Pass / Fail

High quality research report will have a positive effect on your course grading!

Assignment return

Return your Stack Research assignment via email to Pasi Manninen. Use PDF-format. Use JAMK Projecting Instructions and Thesis Reporting Template. Assignment return due date is when the course ends.