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About the teacher

The course is now taught by Pasi Manninen (Autumn 2021 - Spring 2024). Pasi is a mobile and web application developer. Currently working as a senior lecturer in JAMK University of Applied Sciences. Pasi has programming experience over many decades and has taught dozens of courses since the 90's.


If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message on Teams or as an email.

Original course material is made by Teemu Kontio

Teemu Kontio has been working as a Specialist at JAMK and as a Technical Specialist and Software Developer at JYVSECTEC (Jyväskylä Security Technology) since 2016. He also graduated from JAMK as software engineer in the end of 2015.


Why this course is relevant to your studies?

Web applications have evolved at a rate that the usability and interactivity they provide rival that of a native application. The technology and the expertise needed to build tailored solutions that reach this level of proficiency is demanding. Thankfully, there are tools that make web application development easier, one of them being a web app framework.

A framework is not absolutely necessary: it is “just” one of the tools that is available to help you develop better and faster!

Better, because a framework provides you with the certainty that you are developing an application that is in full compliance with the business rules, that is structured, and that is both maintainable and upgradable.

Faster, because it allows developers to save time by re-using generic modules in order to focus on other areas. Without, however, ever being tied to the framework itself.

Below you find a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend developer.


During the course we will cover a lot of the things suggested in the Web Developer Roadmap seen bellow. The course focuses on frameworks, libraries and tools used for developing applications for web, mobile and PC using JavaScript.

Frameworks are a very powerful tool in the development of modern web and mobile applications. Just think about sites and apps like Facebook, Netflix, and Instagram for example. It’s exactly frameworks that are responsible for their uninterrupted operation by providing and giving their users a complete experience.

We can define a framework, most simply, as a large number of pre-built components which give developers the ability to expand and customize them depending on the application they make. Most frameworks have source language JavaScript.

Web frameworks help us achieve structure in our applications, and they give us additional features we can add to them without too much extra work. Frameworks give us a place to start so that we can focus on features rather than configuration details.

Developer roadmap


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